(a)   Applications to the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be typed or printed, filled out completely in duplicate, and filed with the Secretary of the Board at least fourteen days prior to the meeting date.
   (b)   Applications shall be accompanied by a filing fee as follows: twenty-five dollars ($25.00) in a U-1 or U-2 District and one hundred dollars ($100.00) in all other districts.
   (c)   Applications shall be accompanied by thirteen copies of a site plan of the property in question. Site plans shall be drawn to scale showing lot size, existing and proposed structures and setbacks. The description should be at least eight and one-half inches by eleven inches and should show property lines, the location of existing and proposed buildings, parking, zoning uses of contiguous land, building heights, compass directions, setbacks, side and front yard lines and the topography of the property in question and contiguous property. Such description shall be dated, the action of the respective body shall be noted thereon, and it shall be made a part of the legislation approving or disapproving it.
   (d)   For sign variances, thirteen copies of a front elevation of the building and of the proposed sign are required.
(Ord. 1985-29. Passed 10-14-85.)