1105.08 GRADES.
   Before a building permit is issued, the owner or his or her engineer shall submit to the City Planning Commission a set of plans which set forth the grade of each sublot, of each house thereon and of all abutting sublots, and shall request that the Commission approve such grades. If the City Engineer and the Commission find that the grades as set forth in such plans are not in conformity with the grades of the lands surrounding the subdivision, then the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to change the grades as set forth in such plans so as to be in conformity with the surrounding lands and so as to remove any drainage problem that might have been caused by the grades as proposed by the owner or his or her engineer.
   If an owner does not wish to abide by the decision of the Commission as to the grade, then such owner may apply to Council, which may, by a three-fourths vote of its elected members, change the grade as set by the Commission. Such grade, as so amended, shall be the grade for the lots and houses in the subdivision. If, in the opinion of the City Engineer, the grade, as approved by the Commission or Council, will contribute to the creation or aggravation of any drainage problem in the subdivision or in any surrounding subdivision, the owner shall be required, prior to street dedication, to provide catch basins and sewers wherever directed by the City Engineer.
   Until the grade has been established under this section for all lots and houses in the subdivision, no building permit shall be issued for construction of any house in the subdivision.
(Ord. 1961-46. Passed 11-13-61.)