(a)   A record plat shall be made by a registered professional surveyor, who shall affix his or her signature and seal to the usual certificate stating the scale of the plat, the correctness of his or her survey and calculations and that permanent monuments have been set at points so indicated. The title of the plat shall show the name of the subdivision, the name of the owner, the original township and lot in which it is located, that the allotment is in the City and the date when such plat was signed by the surveyor.
   The record plat shall also contain proper acceptance or dedicatory clauses to be signed by the owner and notarized and the usual clauses to be signed by the Secretary of the City Planning Commission, the Clerk of Council and the City Engineer, with a place for the date when the approval by them was voted.
   (b)   The record plat must be made in India ink on good quality tracing cloth. A duplicate tracing shall be furnished to Council.
   (c)   An abstract, certificate of title or guarantee title, or title insurance in the amount of at least one thousand dollars ($1,000), meeting the approval of the Director of Law and covering the entire property to be allotted, shall be filed with the plat.
   (d)   The record plat shall be made to a scale of one inch equals fifty feet, shall be complete and consistent in itself as to all measurements and shall show all survey data, both monuments and courses, used to define the outlines of the land allotted.
(Ord. 1953-26. Passed 5-25-53.)