(a)   All facilities shall be constructed, reconstructed, installed and located in accordance with the following terms and conditions or as otherwise determined by the Mayor:
      (1)   Facilities shall be installed within an existing underground duct or conduit whenever sufficient excess capacity exists within such facility;
      (2)   A permit holder with permission to install overhead facilities along with permission from the owner of the pole, shall install its facilities on pole attachments to existing utility poles only, and then only if sufficient surplus space is available;
      (3)   Whenever any existing electric utilities, cable facilities, telecommunications facilities or other facilities are located underground within a public way of the City, a permit holder with permission to occupy the same public way must also locate its facilities underground;
      (4)   Whenever any new or existing electric utilities, cable facilities, telecommunications facilities or other facilities are located or relocated underground within a public way of the City, a permit holder that currently occupies the same public way shall relocate its facilities underground within a reasonable period of time, which shall not be later than the expiration date of the permit of the service provider initiating the location or relocation of such facilities underground. Absent extraordinary circumstances or undue hardship as determined by the Mayor, such relocation shall be made concurrently to minimize the disruption of the public ways and shall be carried out at the permit holder's expense;
      (5)   The City reserves the right to require a permit holder to provide excess capacity in the public ways at the time of construction, reconstruction, installation, location or relocation of facilities; and
      (6)   All permit holders shall label their facilities with the company name on manhole covers or with other identification on their facilities which clearly identifies the company name.
   (b)   Before any work begins, the contractor shall provide pre-construction photography of the project for the purpose of establishing the surface conditions existing in all areas to be affected.
   The pre-construction photography work shall be performed by an independent company having had previous experience in similar type work. The audio/video tape shall be compatible with a one-half inch VHS format, color video cassette player/recorder.
   The photography work shall consist of color videotaping of surface features in all areas of work shown on the drawings. Prior to the audio/video taping of the project, all areas to be inventoried shall be investigated visually with notations made to items not readily visible by taping methods. Audio description shall be made simultaneously with and support the video coverage. The condition of branches of trees that overhang the work area shall be noted.
   The purpose of the color audio/videotaping is to provide the necessary information for restoration of surface features after completion of the project. This taping will assist in replacing those areas affected by construction to their original condition with as little controversy as possible.
   For this reason, special attention should be directed toward the areas that are adjacent to the trench that lay within the zone of influence of construction. Houses shall be identified visually by house number, when possible, in such a manner that the progress of the taping and the proposed system may be located by reference to the houses.
   The contractor is advised not to enter any private property until permission is granted by the Engineer to do so.
   The City will require two tapes for its permanent records. Any portion of the tape coverage deemed unacceptable by the Engineer shall be re-taped by the specialty photographer at no additional compensation to the contractor.
   The average rate of speed in the general direction of travel of the conveyance used during taping shall not exceed forty-eight feet per minute. When a conventional wheeled vehicle is used as the conveyance for the taping, the distance from the camera lens to the ground shall not be less than eight feet to ensure proper perspective.
   The full cost of furnishing all labor, material, and equipment to perform the required audio/videotaping as described above shall be included in the cost bid per linear foot of sewer pipe.
(Ord. 1998-11. Passed 6-22-98.)