(a)   Any person convicted of an offense, other than a minor misdemeanor, originating in the Municipality, who is or was in the custody of the Police Division or was confined in the Municipal or County Jail or in any facility for which the Municipality is charged any expense, shall reimburse this Municipality for its expenses incurred by reason of such confinement, including, but not limited to, the expenses relating to the provision of food, clothing, and shelter, and medical, dental and psychiatric care or treatment. The amount of reimbursement shall be determined by a court of a competent jurisdiction at a hearing held pursuant to Ohio R.C. 2929.223; however, the maximum amount permitted by Ohio R.C. 2929.223(B) shall not apply. The amount shall be included as costs as defined by and provided in Ohio R.C. 2949.111.
   (b)   The Director of Law is hereby authorized to institute an appropriate civil action in the name of the Municipality in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover from the convict the reimbursement for the expenses of this confinement in the Police Division, in the Municipal or County Jail or in any facility for which the Municipality is charged any expense as may be determined by the court in the manner provided by law.
   (c)   All amounts recovered for reimbursement of expenses or confinement pursuant to this section shall be paid into the General Fund of this Municipality. The Chief of Police and/or the Director of Finance shall maintain records of the expenses chargeable to each prisoner, in accordance with a reasonable computation of the per capita cost of maintaining such prisoner, in addition to specific expenses incurred on behalf of each prisoner. The Chief of Police and/or the Director of Finance shall prepare a statement of such expense and, in the event such expense equals or exceeds fifty dollars ($50.00), shall cause such statement to be transmitted to the Clerk of Court to be placed in the prisoner's court file, where it shall be available to the prisoner. Such statement shall be prima facie evidence of the costs of confinement attributable to each prisoner.
(Ord. 1999-4. Passed 1-11-99.)