(a)   Definition. "Drive-in restaurant" means any business establishment where food or drink is served directly to, or is permitted to be consumed by, patrons in vehicles parked on the premises.
   (b)   Duties of Owner, Lessee or Operator. The owner, lessee or operator of any drive-in restaurant shall:
      (1)   Maintain quiet and good order upon the premises and shall not permit disorderly or immoral conduct or loitering thereon;
      (2)   Prevent any noise or nuisance on the premises whereby the quiet and good order of the neighborhood are disturbed;
      (3)   Provide not less than one receptacle for the receipt of trash, litter and garbage at each exit, when practical, and keep the same emptied and cleaned as required.
   (c)   Alcoholic Beverages. No person shall consume or attempt to consume any beer or intoxicating beverage on the premises of any drive-in restaurant.
   (d)   Parking Regulations. No person shall park any vehicle on the premises of any drive-in restaurant without the consent of the owner, lessee or operator. Any vehicle parked on the premises which has been unattended and unoccupied for more than one hour shall be presumed to have been illegally parked and, when requested by the owner, lessee or operator of any drive-in restaurant, may be impounded as such.
   (e)   Cruising or Racing Vehicles. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on the premises of any drive-in restaurant for any purpose other than the purchase and consumption of food, nor in such a manner as to create unreasonably loud and disturbing noises of such a character, intensity and duration as to disturb the peace, quiet and good order of the City or endanger any person or property lawfully on such premises.
   (f)   Loitering. No person shall loiter outside of a motor vehicle at a drive-in restaurant.
   (g)   Notices. The owner, lessee or operator of any drive-in restaurant shall furnish and post on the premises, in a conspicuous location, one or more signs bearing the following legend:
   "Cruising in or congregating and loitering outside of a motor vehicle is unlawful. No unoccupied vehicle may be left on these premises without the consent of the proprietor. Any vehicle left on the premises unoccupied for over one hour will be impounded pursuant to the Codified Ordinances of the City of Mayfield Heights."
   (h)   Penalty. Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 597.02.
(Ord. 1978-30. Passed 11-13-78.)