(a)   A member of Council shall publicly disclose on the official records of Council any direct or financial interest or other personal or private right he or she may have in any legislation pending before Council prior to its passage. However, the disclosure shall not deprive the member of Council of his or her right to vote on the legislation, nor shall the failure of any member of Council to make such a disclosure affect the validity of the legislation.
   (b)   In order to avoid any conflicts of interest, prior to rendering any services to the City, or selling or agreeing to sell any goods or services to the City, all vendors and others seeking to do business with the City (hereinafter "vendors") must provide full disclosure to the City on a statement provided by the City.
      (1)   The required statement shall contain the vendor's name, as well as the identity of any and all divisions, subsidiaries, shareholders, partners, joint venturers, affiliates, assignees or other related parties and their business addresses. The required statement shall also contain a description of: (1) any past (or existing) business or personal relationships between the vendor and any elected City official in the last ten years; and (2) any business transaction, negotiation or discussion between the vendor and any elected City official, involving City business. The required statement shall contain the vendor's declaration that the City may refuse to do business with the vendor until the vendor provides further information or documentation as requested by the City. The ten-year period shall run from the date the vendor communicates a desire to do business with the City.
      (2)   The amendment set forth herein is intended to clarify and enhance prohibitions and disclosures required or mandated pursuant to Ohio R.C. 2921.42 and 2921.43 as well as City personnel to whom Sections 149.01 et seq. of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Mayfield Heights applies to.
(Ord. 1970-44. Passed 12-5-70; Ord. 2011-1. Passed 2-14-11.)