No person shall park a vehicle on any City street, in any Municipal lot or on any piece of City property, between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
In addition to any current fine, cost or penalty, a total of three or more violations of this section within any 12 month period will result in the towing and impounding of the vehicle.
(Ord. 1999-17. Passed 5-24-99; Ord. 2005-23. Passed 11-28-05; Ord. 2014-12. Passed 5-29-14.)
Additional Penalty - see Section 351.23
(a) Parking on the streets of the City shall be prohibited at any time when the Chief of Police determines and makes a written finding that there exists more than one inch of snow on the streets of the City requiring that the streets be plowed with equipment in order to make them usable for vehicular traffic.
(b) In the case of the absence of the Chief of Police, any police officer performing his or her duties may make such a determination and finding.
(Ord. 1957-23. Passed 5-13-57.)
No person shall park or store, at any time, any motor vehicle, truck, tractor-trailer, motorcycle, trailer, bus, boat or other vehicle between the residence set-back line and the public right-of-way, except on the driveway and/or turn-around area previously approved.
(Ord. 1980-9. Passed 3-24-80.)