This U-9 Mixed Use District is established with the intent of applying to property as an overlay to encourage higher intensity mixed use development as an option to the underlying zoning that currently exists on the property. Therefore, the property owner may alternatively utilize the underlying zoning even after the U-9 Mixed Use District has been applied to the property. The district and its regulations have been established for the following purposes:
(a) To provide an opportunity for higher intensity (floor area/acre) development that has a vibrant mix of complementary nonresidential (offices, retail, and civic) and residential uses consistent with policies in the Comprehensive Plan.
(b) To permit and encourage a mix of uses that are functionally competitive in today's housing and retail markets.
(c) To create a unique environment in the City.
(d) To provide increased opportunities for economic development while strengthening the diversity of uses found in the community.
(e) To potentially reduce vehicle trips by providing multiple uses in one location.
(f) To expand available housing options within the City.
(Ord. 2009-24. Passed 11-23-09.)