   No person shall start, turn, accelerate, decelerate or otherwise operate a motor vehicle on any public or private way within the city in any manner which causes unnecessary engine noise or backfire, squealing of tires, skidding, sliding, swaying, throwing of sand or gravel, or in any manner simulating a race. Squealing or screeching sounds emitted by the tires or the throwing of sand, dirt or gravel by the tires is prima facie evidence of a violation of this section.
('82 Code, § 5.111) Penalty, see § 10.99
   No person shall operate or halt any motor vehicle upon any public or private property within the city inattentively or imprudently in light of circumstances then existing or without reasonable care for the rights of others or the safety of persons or property. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of the offense of inattentive driving. Inattentive driving shall be considered a lesser offense than the offense of careless driving under state law.
('82 Code, § 5.112) Penalty, see § 10.99
   The Highway Traffic Regulations Act, M.S. Chapter 169, as it may be amended from time to time, and M.S. § 171.01, 171.02 and 171.24, as they may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference. The penalty for violation of the provisions of M.S. Ch. 169 shall be identical with the penalty provided in the statutes for the same offense.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for the operator of any truck to intentionally use an engine retarding brake on any public highway, street, parking lot, or alley within the city which causes abnormal or excessive noise from the engine except in an emergency.
   (B)   ENGINE RETARDING BRAKE, for the purpose of this section, shall mean a Dynamic Brake, Jake Brake, Jacobs Brake, C-Brake, Paccar Brake, or other similar engine retarding brake system which alters the normal compression of the engine and subsequently releases that compression in a manner which may cause abnormal or excessive noise from the engine in a particular vehicle.
   (C)   ABNORMAL OR EXCESSIVE NOISE is noise in excess of that permitted by:
      (1)   M.S. § 169.69, as it may be amended from time to time, which requires every motor vehicle to be equipped with a muffler in good working order; or
      (2)   M.S. § 169.693 and Minnesota Rules parts 7030.1000 through 7030.1050, as this statute and these rules may be amended from time to time, which establish motor vehicle noise standards.
   (D)   M.S. §§ 169.69 and 169.693 and Minnesota Rules parts 7030.1000 through 7030.1050, as these statutes and rules may be amended from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference.
   (E)   Signs stating “Vehicle Noise Laws Enforced,” may be installed at locations deemed appropriate by the City Council to advise motorists of the prohibitions contained in this ordinance. The posting of these signs is deemed to provide adequate notice of the contents of this ordinance.