   The Utility Superintendent shall, subject to the direction of the Council, enforce all provisions of this chapter relating to the city water and sewer systems and private sewage disposal systems, except for duties conferred upon the Building Inspector. Any powers and duties conferred in this chapter upon either of them may be exercised by any other employee of the city when so authorized by them.
('82 Code, § 3.112)
   The owner, lessee, occupant or other person in charge of any premises, or the applicant for any municipal utility service, shall provide the city with information as may be reasonably required related to the provision of or the use of municipal utility services upon the premises. No person shall willfully fail to provide information or willfully falsify information.
('82 Code, § 3.113) Penalty, see § 10.99
   The customer or other person in control of any premises connected to the city water supply system or served by the city sewer system shall permit authorized meter readers to read meters at reasonable hours of any day, shall permit authorized employees or agents of the city to have access to all parts of any building or premises connected with the city water supply system or the city storm or sanitary sewer system at times as may reasonably be necessary for repairs and at reasonable hours of any day for the purpose of inspection, observation, measuring, sampling and testing. If access cannot be obtained to read a meter, the customer's bill may be estimated. Refusal to permit access or continued inability to obtain access to the premises shall be grounds for discontinuance of service. In such cases, service shall be discontinued in the same manner as service is discontinued for failure to pay amounts owed.
('82 Code, § 3.114)