(a)    Spacing. No discount retail store shall be established on a lot or lots within ten thousand five hundred and sixty (10,560) feet (two (2) miles) of another lot or lots containing an existing discount retail store. No two (2) discount retail stores shall be located in the same building or on the same lot. Such distance shall be measured in a geometrically straight line which represents the shortest distance between the lot or lots accommodating the proposed discount retail store and the lot or lots from which the existing discount retail store is located. Such measurement shall be made using a scaled map, or a survey if deemed necessary, and shall be made without regard to intervening structures, objects, uses, the street grid, landforms or any other topographic feature.
   (b)   Maps Maintained. The Urban Planning Manager shall maintain a map of existing Discount Retail Store locations and other information necessary to determine compliance with the spacing regulations under division (d) of this section.
   (c)   The Discount Retail store shall comply with all applicable Maumee Building Code Standards and Architectural Standards and shall submit a detailed plan to the Maumee Urban Planning Manager for approval for the Discount Retail Store location. The plan shall include a site drawing locating the curbs and distances as well as material to provide compatibility with surrounding uses and a rendering or picture of the proposed facade.
   (d)    Floor and Shelf Plan Required. For any discount retail store, a Floor and Shelf Plan shall be submitted to the Urban Planning Manager as part of its Building Permit application in addition to any other required plans and information, and shall contain each of the following:
            (1)    The amount of shelf space dedicated to food sales and the amount of shelf space dedicated to fresh or fresh frozen foods and produce; and
            (2)    The types of goods, products, or merchandise to be sold and the general cost of such items.
   (e)   Maintenance and Other Requirements. The owner and/or operator of a discount retail store shall comply with applicable provisions of these codified ordinances regarding maintenance of the premises and shall comply with the following:
            (1)    Keep the exterior of the site including the sidewalks and tree lawns abutting the property free of litter and debris; and
            (2)    Provide one (1) or more solid waste containers located directly outside the primary entrance for the placement of paper, wrappers, and other items by customers and others. Such containers shall be maintained in good condition and be of suitable capacity to sufficiently contain litter and debris between scheduled waste collections.
            (3)    All exterior infrastructure on or adjoining the rental site shall be repaired or replaced according to Maumee Code, including sidewalks, curbs and landscaping prior to being granted an occupancy permit.
   (f)   Exception. Chapter 1138 shall not apply to any discount retail store as defined in herein currently in operation prior to the effective date of this section. If a discount retail store not currently subject to these regulations becomes subject to the nonconforming use provisions as set forth in Chapter 1130 of the Maumee Codified Ordinances or is otherwise repaired or remodeled or sold after the effective date of this ordinance, said discount retail store shall be required to comply with the regulations set forth herein.
(Ord. 037-2023. Passed 10-4-23.)