(a)   For purposes of this section, "Domestic Water" means water for household needs, business needs, industrial use, water for animals, and water for irrigation purposes.
   (b)   No person, business, corporation, Limited Liability Company, trustee, or other entity shall use, dig, drill or have dug or drilled, a domestic water well or construct or use a cistern, pond, river, stream or other water storage structure for domestic water purposes within the City of Maumee.
   (c)   No person, business, corporation, Limited Liability Company, trustee or other entity owning property upon which there exists an already existing domestic water well, cistern, pond or other water source shall connect any piping from that water source to piping which is connected to the City of Maumee Municipal water system and shall take immediate steps to connect to the Maumee Municipal water system.
   (d)   The City of Maumee Municipal water system is the water system for the City of Maumee and connection to the system for water service is mandatory for all domestic water purposes.
   (e)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day of the violation constitutes a separate offense. Furthermore, the City shall be permitted to seek injunctive relief to prohibit continued use of any cross-connected well, or to stop the use of any newly dug or drilled well, cistern, pond or other water source or to stop continued digging or construction thereof, and to require mandatory capping and sealing of any well dug, removal of ponds illegally constructed or cisterns that are illegally constructed or drilled in violation of the terms of this section.
(Ord. 048-2022. Passed 10-3-22.)