Trash containers designed to service more than one (1) residential unit or to service a nonresidential structure shall not be located in a front yard and shall be screened on four (4) sides by one (1) gate, walls or fences and natural vegetation or an acceptable combination of these elements approved at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator. Material used in the construction of the dumpster screening shall be of like, or complimentary, material to the main structure. Gates shall be constructed of sturdy material and shall not have a supporting structure constructed of wood or plastic. The height of such screening shall be at least six (6) feet or six (6) inches taller than the trash container, whichever is greater. The maximum height of walls and fences shall not exceed ten (10) feet. Vegetation shall have a minimum opaqueness of seventy-five percent (75%) at all times within two (2) years of planting. Vegetation shall be a variety and size that will attain six (6) feet in height within two (2) years of planting and shall meet all other requirements of this Chapter.
(Ord. 093-2020. Passed 7-6-20.)