(a)    Front Facade. Blank walls cannot face a public street. Walls facing a public street must include windows and architectural features customarily found on the front facade of a building, such as awnings, cornice work, edge detailing or other decorative finish materials. A prominent and usable public building entrance must be provided at the front of the building. Wall massing must be broken up with vertical pilasters or other architectural elements to reduce scale.
   (b)    Pedestrian Orientation. Buildings must be designed at a pedestrian scale with relationship to the street and sidewalk. Buildings must include windows that face the sidewalk and street. Convenient and safe pedestrian access must be provided between the public sidewalk and the building entrance.
   (c)   Awnings. Awnings with straight sheds may supplement facades. Awnings cannot be cubed or curved except over doorways. Translucent or internally lit cloth awnings will not be permitted. However, metal awnings may be internally lit provided there is a solid metal roof and all lighting complies with section 1136.13 of this Chapter. In no case may awnings be designed to cover more than twenty percent (20%) of the height of each story of a building.
   (d)   Canopies. Canopies, such as over gasoline pumps or drive-through structures, must be designed to be consistent with the approved building materials and colors. Support columns must be brick or comprised of materials compatible with the principal structure. The zoning administrator (or designee) or planning commission may require a peaked roof to complement the principal building. Any canopy lighting must be flush with the canopy.
   (e)    Neon. Exposed neon will not be permitted on a building.
   (f)   Quality and Workmanship. This section is not intended to regulate the quality, workmanship and requirements for materials relative to strength and durability.
(Ord. 093-2020. Passed 7-6-20.)