(a)   The districts established by this Zoning Code constitute the proper location for the permitted, conditional, and accessory uses and structures identified herein. Within such districts there may exist nonconforming uses that were lawful prior to the enactment of these regulations, but that would be prohibited under the provisions of the current Zoning Code. Future amendments to this Zoning Code may also create additional nonconforming uses.
   (b)   The legitimate interests of those lawfully established nonconforming uses are recognized in this Zoning Code by allowing such nonconforming uses to continue, subject to specific requirements for, and limitations upon, their completion, restoration, alteration, perpetuation and/or substitution. It is recognized that nonconforming uses substantially and adversely affect the orderly development, maintenance, use and taxable value of other properties in the district, property that is itself subject to the regulations of this Zoning Code.
   (c)   In order to secure eventual compliance with the standards of this Zoning Code it is necessary to strictly regulate nonconforming uses and to prevent the reestablishment of nonconforming uses that have been discontinued.
   (d)   The following sections divide nonconforming uses into four categories and provide appropriate regulations for each category:
      (1)   Preexisting Zoning Use Permits that no longer comply with the requirements of this Zoning Code.
      (2)   Nonconforming land: lots, including vacant lots, having an area smaller than the minimum size required under Section 1125.14.
      (3)   Nonconforming structures or use thereof: structures which do not comply with the lot size or building bulk limitations required under Section 1125.14.
      (4)   Nonconforming uses of structures and land that do not comply with the requirements of this Zoning Code.
         (Ord. 113-2020. Passed 12-21-20.)