(a) A subdivision along an existing public street may be submitted to the Secretary of the Planning Commission for review by the Director of Public Service on behalf of the Planning Commission without requiring a plat when the subdivision:
(1) Contains no more than five (5) lots of an existing recorded plat; and
(2) Does not involve the opening, widening or extension of any street or road; and
(3) Does not result in lots with less than the minimum requirements of the Zoning Code for such area.
(b) The Director of Public Service shall, within seven (7) working days, either disapprove or approve such subdivisions. In the latter action he shall submit same to the Secretary of the Planning Commission who shall stamp "approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Maumee, no plat required" on a conveyance of the parcel or parcels involved. The stamped approval shall be signed by the chairman or Secretary of the Planning Commission. Such subdivision shall be disapproved if it does not meet the minimum requirements of these Subdivision Regulations and of the appropriate Zoning Code or is in conflict with the official plan.
(c) The subdivider may appeal such withholding of approval to the Planning Commission.