(a)    The Bureau of Fire Prevention may require the attendance of certified Fire Safety Inspectors at any public assembly or gathering, whether indoor or outdoor, if any of the following apply:
      (1)    The presence of combustible or flammable materials on the premises presents a risk of harm to persons or property in the event of a fire or an emergency;
      (2)    The nature of the assembly or gathering creates an elevated risk of exceeding the maximum allowable occupancy permitted by this Code;
      (3)   Dangerous conditions exist on the premises which may cause or contribute to the spread of fire in or on said premises, or endanger the occupants therein; or
      (4)   Fireworks or pyrotechnical displays, whether indoor or outdoor, are being presented at such assembly or gathering.
   (b)    A fee, as prescribed by ordinance of Council, shall be charged for the attendance of any certified Fire Safety Inspector at a public assembly or gathering, if both of the following apply:
      (1)    The event or gathering is being presented by a for-profit entity, and
      (2)    The event or gathering charges an entry fee or is for the purpose of the retail sale of goods or merchandise.
   (c)   The fee for the attendance of the certified Fire Safety Inspectors at a public assembly or gathering shall be charged on an hourly basis for each certified Fire Safety Inspector in attendance. The minimum number of hours at any public assembly or gathering shall be three (3) per day. In the event that any Fire Safety Inspector is held over the required time in attendance, the time accrued, in 1/2 hour increments, shall also be assessed to the responsible party. Original fees shall be paid in advance of the event. Any overtime accrued shall be invoiced to the responsible party.
(Ord. 187-2007. Passed 12-17-07.)