Council hereby finds and determines that the growth of grass to a height of eight inches or more and growth of rank vegetation and noxious weeds, including but not limited to poisonous weeds, invasive plants, thistles, wild lettuce, wild mustard, foxtail barley, ragweed and any plant designated as a noxious weed in Ohio Administrative Code Section 901:5-37-01, within the City, and/or permitting the same to spread and mature seeds or pollen, are injurious to the public health and safety and the same, and any land covered thereby, are hereby declared to be a public nuisance subject to be summarily abated by the City of Maumee.
      On undeveloped property that is not immediately adjacent to developed residential or commercial property within the City, the owner may submit a plan for the creation of a "managed natural area" for approval to the Director of Public Service or his designee. The plan for the "managed natural area" may include forestation, grasses and vegetation in excess of the height limitations of this section, provided that such area shall not contain any rank vegetation or noxious weeds as set forth above. A "managed natural area" may only be created and maintained in accordance with a plan submitted to and approved by the Director of Public Service or his designee. The Director of Public Service or his designees shall consider whether any negative impact on neighboring properties is created by the "managed natural area" and may deny or revoke permission for the "managed natural area" if such a negative impact is determined to exist by the Director or his designee. (Ord. 039-2022. Passed 8-15-22.)