(A)   Landscaping areas shall be maintained at the property owner's expense. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, watering, weeding, mowing, trimming, debris removal, and replenishment of mulch or ornamental rock.
   (B)   The City of Mattoon reserves the right to require the current property owner to comply with the requirements of this section. In the case of failure by a property owner to properly maintain a landscaping area, the city shall first issue a ten-day notice specifying the remediation measures required. In the event that the required remediation measures are not completed within ten days notice, the City of Mattoon reserves the right to cause such remediation measures to be completed, to file a lien against the property for the remediation costs, and to pursue any other lawful means for collection of the remediation costs.
(Ord. 2011-5342, passed 12-20-2011)