(A)   An alarm user shall:
      (1)   Maintain the premises and the alarm system in a manner that will minimize or eliminate false alarm dispatches;
      (2)   Make every reasonable effort to respond or cause a representative to respond to the alarm system’s location within thirty minutes when notified by the Police or Fire Department to deactivate a malfunctioning alarm system, to provide access to the premises, or to provide security for the premises;
      (3)   Not manually activate an alarm for any reason other than an occurrence of an event that the alarm system was intended to report.
   (B)   An alarm user shall adjust the mechanism or cause the mechanism to be adjusted so that an alarm signal audible on the exterior of an alarm site will sound no longer than ten minutes after being activated.
   (C)   An alarm user shall have a properly licensed alarm business inspect his or her alarm system after three false dispatches in a six month period. After five false alarm dispatches, the alarm user must have a properly licensed alarm business modify the alarm system to be more false alarm resistant or provide additional training as appropriate.
(Ord. 99-4974, passed 1-5-1999)