(A) Captains.
(1) There are hereby created five positions within the rank of Captain in the Police Department of the city, who shall hold office until replaced and their successor or successors appointed and qualified. The rank of Captain in the Police Department shall be appointed by the rules and regulations governing the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the city.
(2) Any appointment to the rank of Captain in the Police Department shall be from within the ranks of Lieutenant of the Department.
(B) Lieutenants.
(1) There are hereby created five positions within the ranks of Lieutenant in the Police Department of the city, who shall hold office until replaced and their successor or successors appointed and qualified. The rank of Lieutenant in the Police Department shall be appointed by the rules and regulations governing the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the city.
(2) Any appointment to the rank of Lieutenant in the Police Department shall be from within the ranks of Sergeants of the Department.
(C) Sergeants.
(1) There are hereby created five positions within the ranks of Sergeant in the Police Department of the city, who shall hold office until replaced and their successor or successors appointed and qualified. The rank of Sergeant in the Police Department shall be appointed by the rules and regulations governing the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the city.
(2) Any appointment to the rank of Sergeant in the Police Department shall be from the ranks of patrol officers of the Department.
(D) Patrol officers.
(1) The patrol officers, when on duty, shall devote their entire time and attention to the discharge of the duties of their office; they shall observe all the rules and regulations of the Department, and shall to the best of their ability preserve order, quiet and peace throughout the city, and shall enforce the laws of the state and the ordinances of the city.
(2) They shall report to the Chief all persons known or suspected to be gamblers, and all houses or places suspected of being gaming houses, houses of ill-fame, and the like. When it shall come to the knowledge of any police officer that an offense has been committed he or she shall cause complaint to be made and the proper witnesses to be subpoenaed and evidence procured for the successful prosecution of the offender.
(Ord. 2010-5312, passed 12-7-2010; Am. Ord. 2021-5437, passed 2-16-2021)