Site plan review shall be required pursuant to the provisions of this chapter in addition to the other requirements of this code before building permits may be issued and shall apply to all uses whether permitted, conditional or accessory. The following regulations shall apply generally to all uses contained within the C/D District.
   (A)   Intent. The intent of these regulations is to promote safe and efficient use of land, to contribute to an orderly and harmonious appearance of the Route 16 corridor and to further enhance property values. The site plan review process is intended to help ensure that newly developed properties and redeveloped properties are compatible with adjacent development and that adverse impacts of development are minimized. The site plan review process in the C/D District is to provide for review of:
      (1)   Compatibility of a project with its environment, other land uses and existing buildings in the area;
      (2)   Compatibility of a project with the site plan review criteria for development of the Route 16 corridor, as defined in division (E) of this section.
      (3)   Compliance of a project with the use, lot and general requirements of this zoning district, as depicted in Route 16 Corridor Design Manual.
   (B)   Hearing body. A Corridor Review Committee (hereafter referred to as the CRC) is hereby authorized to hear and make recommendations to the City Council on uses proposed in the C/D district. The CRC shall consist of a representative from each of the following:
      (1)   The City of Charleston City Council;
      (2)   The City of Mattoon City Council;
      (3)   The City of Charleston Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning;
      (4)   The City of Mattoon Plan Commission;
      (5)   Coles Together;
      (6)   Coles County Airport Authority; and
      (7)   Corridor Zone Land Owners' Associations.
   (C)   Procedures. Prior to issuance of a building permit, all development within the C/D District must conform to the requirements of this chapter and be approved by the City Council in conformance with the following process:
      (1)   Applicant will meet with the CRC in a preapplication meeting to discuss the development proposal. No formal submission will be required at this time.
      (2)   Applicant will complete an application for zoning compliance in the C/D District on forms provided by the city.
      (3)   Within 15 days of receipt of an application for zoning compliance approval, the City Clerk shall schedule the applicant before the next available plan review meeting of the CRC and shall notify the public of such meeting in conformance with the requirements of § 159.05(C).
      (4)   The CRC shall conduct a plan review hearing to consider the merits of the development proposal and its compliance with the standards of the C/D District.
      (5)   Upon completion of the hearing, the CRC shall make a recommendation to the Mattoon City Council regarding compliance of the proposed development with the requirements of this section.
      (6)   The City Clerk shall schedule a public hearing before the City Council within 30 days and shall make a public notice regarding the City Council hearing, in compliance with § 159.05(C).
      (7)   Upon completion of the public hearing, the Council shall vote to approve or deny the plan or to approve the plan subject to specific modifications. The Mayor shall sign a concept plan, noting any approved or required changes from said plan, and file it with the City Clerk.
      (8)   Upon application for building permit, the City Clerk shall compare the building permit application to the filed concept plan. The building permit application must substantially conform to the concept plan and fully comply with the requirements of this section.
      (9)   Requests for departures from approved plans will be required to follow the same procedure as outlined in this chapter.
   (D)   Submission requirements.
      (1)   A concept plan including the following information shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted to the CRC at the formal review meeting:
         (a)   Land use on the site;
         (b)   Land uses within 1,000 feet of the property;
         (c)   Location of available utilities;
         (d)   Property boundaries;
         (e)   Topographical data showing flood plain if any;
         (f)   Access points to the site;
         (g)   Location of buildings;
         (h)   Distances for setbacks and height;
         (i)   Tabulation of relevant lot and building data;
         (j)   Address and phone of applicant;
         (k)   Scale and north arrow; and
         (l)   Location and direction of surface and subsurface drainage and retention.
      (2)   At the time of pre-application the CRC may, by majority vote, require that the Landscape Plan as required by § 159.60(I) and Master Sign Plan as required by § 159.60(F) be presented at their formal review meeting.
   (E)   Review criteria. In evaluating a concept plan for development in the C/D District the CRC shall consider how the proposed plan meets the following land use and design criteria:
      (1)   Land use criteria:
         (a)   Avoid incompatibilities with larger existing users in corridor (i.e., Coles County Memorial Airport and Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospital), understanding that they are important economic development components of the corridor and county;
         (b)   Focus office, commercial and light industrial development (enclosed activities) along the frontage of Route 16 to enhance its appearance and image;
         (c)   Locate industrial uses which may have an adverse impact on the appearance and image of the corridor away from Route 16;
         (d)   Attract airport-related uses near the airport;
         (e)   Attract additional medical-related uses near the hospital; and
         (f)   Facilitate reuse or redevelopment of residential structures along Route 16 for commercial uses.
      (2)   Design criteria:
         (a)   Avoid overburdening of soil, air, water or infrastructure in the Route 16 corridor;
         (b)   Protect and enhance open/recreation uses in the study area, particularly the Charleston Country Club, the hiking/biking trail, wooded areas and creeks and rivers;
         (c)   Encourage redevelopment of older nonproductive uses;
         (d)   Build private roads to public standards;
         (e)   Protect residential uses from adverse impacts of non-residential activities;
         (f)   Minimize changes in natural terrain;
         (g)   Separate residential uses from major noise-producing sources;
         (h)   Separate internal traffic circulation from parking aisles;
         (i)   Minimize visual impact of parking visible from the street; and
         (j)   Minimize impacts of airport noise.
(Ord. 93-4729, passed 3-16-1993)