§ 159.49 YARDS.
   (A)   Front yards. Front yards shall be provided in each respective district as follows:
      (1)   RS, RI, R2, R3, CI and C2, Residence and Commercial Districts: Minimum dimension 25 feet.
         (a)   Front yard lines established in recorded subdivisions, which equal at least 20% of the depth of the lots, shall apply to buildings erected in such subdivisions.
         (b)   Buildings on through lots shall provide a front yard on each street.
         (c)   A corner lot located at the intersection of the two streets, shall provide front yards, for any building constructed thereon, parallel to both streets and conforming to the front yard required on lots which front on each street, providing that the building area on the corner lot need not be reduced below 35 feet in width, measured perpendicularly to the side street.
         (d)   Provided further that no accessory building located at such lot shall project beyond the front yard line established for the lots fronting on the side street.
      (2)   C3 Service Commercial Districts: the regulations for the RI Single-Family Residence District shall apply to all types of buildings hereafter erected, except on corner lots.
         (a)   Residential buildings shall comply with division (A)(1)(c) above.
         (b)   Commercial buildings; the front yard requirement shall apply to both streets providing that the building area on the comer lot need not be reduced below 50 feet in width, measured perpendicularly to the side street.
      (3)   Where two or more lots, (see vision clearance on corner lots, § 159.51) comprising at least 33% of the frontage in a block are developed with buildings having front yards which do not conform to the above, the average front yard so established shall apply to buildings hereafter erected in the block.
      (4)   C4 General Commercial district: front yards for residential buildings shall comply with the regulations prescribed for the R2 Single-Family Residence District but front yards are not required for other structures.
      (5)   C5 Shopping Center District: per Requirement Standards.
      (6)   I Industrial District: front yards are not required for commercial or industrial buildings.
      (7)   All lots fronting on two or more streets shall have a front yard setback from each street.
   (B)   Side yards. Side yards shall be provided in each respective district as follows.
      (1)   RS Suburban and RI Single-Family Residence Districts: minimum width of side yard required is five feet measured from the foundation to the side lot line, and four feet from an eave overhang to the side lot line.
      (2)   R2 Two-Family Residence District: the regulations for the RI Single-Family Residence District shall apply except for a dwelling contiguous to the lot line (zero lot-line dwelling). The minimum width of the side yard opposite the zero side yard shall be ten feet measured from the foundation to the side lot line, and nine feet from the eave overhang to the side lot line.
      (3)   R3 Multiple-Family, Residence District: the minimum width of the side yard shall be ten feet measured from the foundation to the side lot lines. These standards shall apply to all buildings not exceeding 40 feet in height. Buildings higher than 40 feet in height shall provide a side yard on each side of the building equal to 25% of the height of the building.
      (4)   CI, C2, and C3 Commercial Districts: the regulations of the R3 Multiple- Family, Residence District shall apply to residential buildings. Commercial buildings need not provide side yards except where the boundary of the district adjoins a residence district in which case a side yard ten feet wide shall be provided on the side of the lot next to the residence district.
      (5)   C4 General Commercial District: the regulations of the C3 Service Commercial District shall apply.
      (6)   C5 Shopping Center District: side yards are not required for commercial buildings.
      (7)   I Industrial District: commercial and industrial buildings need not provide side yards.
   (C)   Rear yards. Rear yards shall be provided in each respective district as follows.
      (1)   RS Suburban and RI Single-Family Residence Districts: the minimum dimension shall be five feet.
      (2)   R2 Two-Family Residence District: the regulations for the RI Single-Family Residence District shall apply.
      (3)   R3 Multiple-Family Residence District: the minimum depth of the rear yard shall be ten feet measured from the foundation to the rear lot lines. These standards shall apply to all buildings not exceeding 40 feet in height. Buildings higher than 40 feet in height shall provide a rear yard equal to 25% of the height of the building.
      (4)   CI, C2, and C3 Commercial Districts: five Feet. When not adjacent to an alley, no rear yard is required.
      (5)   C4 General Commercial District: no rear yard required.
      (6)   C5 Shopping Center District: no rear yard required.
      (7)   I Industrial District: no rear yard required.
   (D)   Yard regulation exceptions. The following provisions shall apply to front, side and rear yards in all districts.
      (1)   Where dwelling quarters are erected above stores, the side yard requirements covering the commercial use shall apply to the entire structure.
      (2)   Open or lattice-enclosed fire escapes, fireproof outside stairways, and balconies opening on firepower projecting into a yard not more than five feet, and the ordinary projections of chimneys and flues shall be permitted.
      (3)   Rear yards abutting on alleys may use one- half the width of the alley in computing the required depth of the lot.
      (4)   No yard or open space provided about any building for the purpose of complying with these regulations shall again be used as a yard or open space for another building.
      (5)   Accessory building and/or structure which are not part of a main residential building may be built a minimum of three feet from the rear and side lot lines in all districts. The limitations provided in this section for accessory buildings shall include above-ground swimming pools. These limitations shall not include below-ground pools, which must be a minimum of six feet from the property lines, for which specific regulations are provided in the City of Mattoon Building Code, as adopted by the City Council in § 150.01 of this code of ordinances.
      (6)   For the purpose of side yard requirements, a two-family dwelling or group house/townhouse, shall be considered as one building occupying a single lot.
      (7)   Buildings on through lots may waive the requirements for a rear yard by furnishing an equivalent amount of open space in lieu of the rear yard.
(Ord. 2015-5377, passed 5-5-2015)