Any light used for illumination of buildings, signs, parking areas, security, or for any other purposes shall be arranged so as to contain direct lighting on the property on which the light source is located and away from nearby residential properties and the vision of motorist on adjacent streets. The cone of light from any light source other than a street light shall not extend onto adjacent residential property or pavement.
(A) Outdoor lighting design.
(1) All commercial and industrial outdoor lighting shall be fully-shielded (full-cutoff) as defined in this chapter. The city may waive this requirement to allow for appropriate historic or decorative lighting fixtures.
(2) All outdoor lighting shall be so designed and placed as to limit light trespass onto adjacent lots. Light levels at lot lines, with the exception of ingress and egress points, shall be a maximum of one-half footcandles.
(3) The average light level for all parking areas shall fall between one and two footcandles. Light levels shall not exceed a minimum to maximum ratio of 8:1, or an average to minimum ratio of 6:1. Increased light levels for gas stations and retail car dealerships may be granted, but shall not exceed a maximum of 30 footcandles or an average of 25 footcandles.
(4) The mounting height of outdoor lighting shall not exceed the average roof height of the principal building to which it relates or 40 feet, whichever is less. Unshielded residential and pedestrian fixtures shall not exceed ten feet in height.
(5) In all multi-lot developments, unified lighting standards, including mounting height and fixture style, shall be required.
(B) Exceptions.
(1) Luminaries used for public-roadway illumination shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
(2) All temporary emergency lighting needed by the police or fire departments, public utilities, or other emergency services, as well as all vehicular luminaries, shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
(3) All hazard-warning luminaries required by federal and state regulatory agencies are exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
(4) Outdoor lighting for recreational facilities shall be exempt from footcandle standards set forth in division (A). However, lighting at these types of facilities shall not exceed IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) standards for the type of field and use. Recreational facilities shall otherwise adhere to the standards set forth in division (A) above.
(Ord. 2013-5362, passed 4-2-2013; Am. Ord. 2016- 5391, passed 12-20-2016)