(A) In all places where private driveways intersect sidewalks, the sidewalks shall be constructed as set forth in this section, with the exception that the concrete shall be six inches in depth and have in addition, a finishing coat one inch in thickness, and may have a corrugated surface not over ten feet in length.
(B) Any person desiring to construct such public or private driveway over and across the parkway of the streets, or to cut the curb of any street for the purpose of such a driveway, shall first make application in writing to the Superintendent of Streets for permission to construct such driveway or cut such curb, which permit shall be granted upon these conditions, namely, that such applicant shall construct such private drive and cut such curb according to the following specifications.
(1) Whenever it becomes necessary to cut the curb along the improvement for a private drive, the curb portion of the concrete curb and gutter shall be removed to within one inch of the gutter line, and for a distance of eight feet in addition to the width of the proposed drive. The surface of the curb remaining shall be cut to a smooth finish having a slight incline toward the gutter, or it may be entirely removed and be replaced with new concrete. Four-foot radius curbs built integral with the slab portion of the entrance shall then be constructed joining the old curb and extending four feet toward the sidewalk line, and having a rise of not less than one-half inch above the elevation of the point where the radius curb joins the old curbing. The slab portion of the entrance shall have a rise of not less than three inches at its outer edge above the gutter of the pavement. The radius curbs at the upper end extending above the slab portion shall not be greater than 3½ inches.
(2) The driveway portion between the entrance and the sidewalk shall be constructed either of concrete, brick, crushed rock, gravel or cinders, the same to be of sufficient thickness to bear the load to which the same shall be subjected and shall be neatly constructed and of uniform width.
(3) Concrete used in the driveway portion within the sidewalk area and between the roadway and the sidewalk area shall conform to the specifications as may be determined by the City Engineer.
('68 Code, § 6.28) (Ord. 3422, passed - - )