(A)   Opening streets. No person shall injure, tear up, molest or make any opening in or under any street or alley for any purpose, except upon a permit from the Superintendent of Streets.
   (B)   Records. A record shall be kept of such permits. In case it is found that the condition of the pavement is not restored as hereby required, the holder of such permit shall immediately on notice make good the default, and if he shall fail to do so within the time stated, the Superintendent of Streets may do what is required, and the expense thereof shall be charged to the holder of such permit, and recovered in an appropriate action on the bond, or against the holder of the permit.
   (C)   Pipe laying. No city street or paved alley shall be excavated for the purpose of laying a pipe or pipes of a diameter of two inches or less across any such street or alley, but such pipe or pipes shall be driven beneath the surface of and across the street or alley a sufficient depth below the surface of the street or alley so that the surface thereof is not damaged by such operation.
   (D)   Refilling excavations. An excavation in any street, upon completion of the work therein, shall be immediately filled up, with no unnecessary delay, to the proper level of the surface, and shall from time to time be repaired until the earth is completely settled to the proper level; the street or alley shall be restored to as good condition as it was before such excavation was made. In case of default and failure to do so upon notice, the Superintendent of Streets may proceed to restore the same and the expense may be charged and recovered from the person responsible.
   (E)   Excavations guarded. Whoever shall make any opening in any street or alley shall protect the same by a substantial barrier on each side, and in the nighttime shall protect the same by red lights, and in case the opening is across a sidewalk it shall not be left open at night unless bridged, and such other precautions shall be observed as are reasonably necessary to prevent accidents to persons or property. No obstruction shall be placed in any street or alley likely to cause accidents.
('68 Code, § 6.05) (Ord. 3749, passed - - )