(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person, not an authorized employee of the city in the performance of his or her duty, to make any connection with, uncover, alter or disturb any water pipe or main, conduit, electric wire or line, sewer or other utility constructed or maintained by the city or to open any manhole, intercepting chamber or any appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Public Works Director based upon a written application setting forth the location and nature of the work to be done, together with a description thereof or a copy of plans or specifications therefore of the contemplated connection or alteration, and depositing with the Public Works Director such sum of money as he or she shall estimate will fully cover all damage of any kind which may be caused by the connection or alteration. A surety bond, guaranteeing restoration, in a form and amount, as approved by the Public Works Director, may be substituted for a cash deposit.
   (B)   After such alteration or connection has been completed the sewer, water pipe or main, conduit electric wire or line, manhole or intercepting chamber shall be immediately restored to as good a state or condition as prior to the doing of such work, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. If the completion of the restoration has been done without expense to the city and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director, the sum deposited shall be refunded, but if any of the work is done by the city, the Public Works Director shall certify the actual expense incurred and shall refund to the holder of the permit the difference, if any, between the amount deposited and the amount certified. In the event the amount so certified shall be in excess of the deposit; the holder of the permit shall immediately pay such excess to the city.
(Ord. 2003-5160, passed 3-5-03)