(A) Location. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry on the business of slaughtering animals within the city or within one mile of the corporation limits thereof; except if it is in such place as the Council may by resolution direct. Such business shall be so conducted as to create no offense or nuisance, and in conformity with the laws of the state and the ordinance of the city.
(B) Construction of walls, floors. The walls of a slaughter house shall be of brick or mortar and all existing buildings constructed of wood shall be wainscoted on the inside of the walls with concrete for a distance of three feet above the floor. All floors in which slaughtering is done in the building shall be cemented so as not to absorb blood and so as to carry all liquid matters into the sewers. Every sewer inlet used in or about the building shall be provided with iron grate, which shall be placed upon or over the entrance of such inlet and shall be fastened permanently to the floor. The opening in said grates shall in no instance exceed 1½ inches in diameter.
(C) Offensive matter. It shall be unlawful for any person operating a slaughter house to place, cause or permit to be placed, or permit or suffer to remain on his premises any blood, bones, offal, filth, slops, refuse or other offensive matter for a longer period than ten hours at any one time from March 1 to November 1 in each year, or exceeding 24 hours during any other part of the year, except the same be kept in salt brine or cold storage. All floors upon which slaughtering is done shall be thoroughly washed and cleaned at least once every 24 hours.
('68 Code, § 11.03)