(A)   It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Dodge Grove Cemetery to take charge of, superintend, preserve and maintain the cemetery, attend all funerals, and give directions as to burials. He shall superintend work ordered by the Board of Managers and shall cause to be prosecuted all persons who shall be guilty of a violation of any ordinance of the city in relation to the cemetery that may come to his knowledge. The Superintendent shall have the power of a police officer, and shall be commissioned as such.
('68 Code, § 17.19)
   (B)   The Superintendent of Dodge Grove Cemetery shall on or before the first Tuesday of each month, furnish to the Council, a statement in writing, showing the number of interments made in such cemetery during the preceding month, with the name, sex and color of each person interred, the date of death, the disease or causes of death, the age and residence of the deceased.
('68 Code, § 17.18)