(A) All receipts on account of Dodge Grove Cemetery, whether arising from the sale of lots thereon, from donations, from appropriations, from the city treasury, or otherwise shall be expended and applied under the direction and control of the Board of Managers exclusively for protecting, ornamenting, improving and laying out of the grounds of the cemetery and the avenues, walks and squares therein. But the Board of Managers shall not expend the moneys belonging to the cemetery fund in advance of the receipts thereof, nor incur any debts on account of the cemetery, without the prior consent of the Council.
(B) The proceeds from the sale of lots in Sections one to eight inclusive, the fees for digging graves or any other special work, shall constitute a separate fund called the General Cemetery Fund; also 90% of all moneys arising from the sale of lots in other sections of the cemetery shall be placed in the General Cemetery Fund and the other 10% together with an appropriate trust agreement with the purchaser of such lot shall be placed in the Perpeptual Care Fund.
('68 Code, § 17.13) (Ord. 3693-A, passed - - )