(A) Area. Dodge Grove Cemetery, covering the following described area, to-wit: The northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of northwest quarter of southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of northeast quarter of southeast quarter and the northwest quarter of southeast quarter of southeast quarter, also the north one-half of the west one-half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter; also beginning at a stake on the west line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 11, Town 12, Range 7, being center of said west line, thence east 316 feet, thence south 128 feet and 6 inches, thence west 316 feet, thence north 128 feet and 6 inches to the place of beginning, except 45 feet of even width entire length off north side of said tract last described; also beginning at a point 128 feet and 6 inches south of stake set in the center line of the west line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 12 north, Range 7 east and running thence east 316 feet more or less, thence south 128 feet and 6 inches more or less, thence west 316 feet more or less and thence north 128 feet and 6 inches more or less to the place of beginning except 60 feet of even width entire length, off of the south side of the last above described tract; all of the foregoing premises being situated in Section 11, Town 12 north, Range 7 east, of the third principal meridian, is hereby dedicated and appropriated for the purpose of a public burying ground for the use of the city, and the map or plat of the subdivisions of said premises as placed on file in the City Clerk's office and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court within and for the county are confirmed and all the alleys and avenues therein delineated are reserved for cemetery purposes.
(B) Vacation of streets; replatting. A strip of ground 25 feet in width, east and west, and 532 feet in length, north and south, and lying east of Division 1 and Division J of Section 7, and Division K and L of Section 6, and west of Divisions A and D of Section 7 and Divisions A and D of Section 6, as shown by the plat of that portion of Dodge Grove Cemetery, filed in the County Recorder's office, December 19, 1802, Plat Book 1, page 138 be and the same is hereby declared vacated and abandoned for street and alley or passageway purposes, and the same is ordered replatted by the Board of Commissioners.
(1) Two tracts of ground lying and being in Dodge Grove Cemetery and heretofore unplatted and unused for street, alley, driveway or passageway purposes, and described as follows:
(a) Tract No. One, being a part of Section 2 of Dodge Grove Cemetery, and more particularly described as: beginning 6 feet south of the southeast corner of lot 72 of said Section 2, thence west 40 feet, thence south 16 feet, thence east 40 feet, thence north 16 feet to the place of beginning; and
(b) Tract No. Two, being a part of Division D of Section 8 of Dodge Grove Cemetery, more particularly described as: beginning 5 feet south of the southeast corner of lot 19 of Division D of said Section, thence west 58 feet, thence south 44 feet, thence east 58 feet, thence north 44 feet to the place of the beginning, be and the same are hereby declared vacated and abandoned for street, alley, driveway, passageway or ornamental purposes.
(2) The City Council is hereby authorized and empowered to plat the above described two tracts of ground into lots and blocks for burial purposes, and to record the said plat, when so made, in the County Recorder's office, that tract of land lying and being in Dodge Grove Cemetery, and described as follows: "beginning at an iron pin 85 feet east of the west line of Section 12, Division "B," and 93.6 feet south of the north line of Section 12, Division "B," Dodge Grove Cemetery, thence north 197.2 feet to an iron pin, thence west 170 feet to an iron pin, thence south 197.2 feet to an iron pin, thence east 170 feet to an iron pin," be and the same is hereby ordered replatted into lots for burial purposes, streets, driveway, passageway and ornamental purposes, in accordance with the plat heretofore filed in the office of the City Clerk and County Recorder and designated as "Replat of parts of Section 9, 10,11, and 12, Dodge Grove Cemetery."
(3) The plat of Divisions G and I of Section 13, Dodge Grove Cemetery, be and the same is hereby ordered revised in accordance with the blue print heretofore filed in the office of the City Clerk and County Recorder, and designated "Revised plat of Divisions G and I, Section 13, Dodge Grove Cemetery, Mattoon, Illinois."
(C) Subdivisions. The City Council may subdivide Divisions K and L and parts of Divisions E and F, Sections 13 and 14 of the Original Plat of Dodge Grove Cemetery and to subdivide Division J, Section 13 of the Original plat of Dodge Grove Cemetery into lots and blocks for burial purposes and to establish passageways therein in accordance with the plats for such subdivisions made a part hereof and recorded in the County Recorder's office.
The City Council may subdivide Divisions A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and Outlot A Section 15 of the Original Plat of Dodge Grove Cemetery into lots and blocks for burial purposes and to establish passageways therein in accordance with the plats for said subdivisions made a part hereof and recorded in the County Recorder's office.
('68 Code, § 17.04) (Ord. 3397, passed - - ; Ord. 3921, passed - - )