(A) The city shall follow the standards and guidance contained in the most recent Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) published by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration and the Illinois Supplement to the MUTCD published by the Illinois Department of Transportation. The Illinois Supplement shall supersede where there is a conflict in standards. The only exceptions to this policy are listed in division (B) of this section.
(B) The city amends and appends the guidance in Section 2B.07 of the MUTCD to the following:
Multi-way stops. Multi-way stops are warranted if one of the following conditions is met:
1) Volume of traffic is approximately the same in any direction.
2) Traffic signals are warranted per MUTCD 4C.01.
3) Crash record report indicates 5 crashes in a 12-month period.
4) Volume of the major street exceeds 200 vehicles per hour for any eight-hour period, and the minor street has a volume that exceeds 150 vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles per hour for any eight-hour period.
5) 80% of condition #3 and Condition #4 are met.
6) There is a visibility problem at the intersection.
7) There is a left turn conflict. The minor street has a volume of left turns onto the major street that exceeds 60 vehicles per hour over any eight-hour period.
8) Vehicle traffic conflicts with high volume of pedestrian traffic. Special consideration will be given to areas adjacent to parks and schools.
(Ord. 2008-5254, passed 5-6-2008)