(A) No person shall stand on a state highway for the purpose of soliciting contributions from the occupant of a motor vehicle.
(B) No person shall stand upon a road of municipal jurisdiction unless the soliciting agency shall be:
(1) Registered with the Attorney General as a charitable organization as provided by "An act to regulate solicitation and collection of funds for charitable purposes, providing for violations thereof, and making an appropriation therefor," approved July 26, 1963, as amended; and
(2) Liable for any injuries to any person or property during the solicitation which is causally related to an act of ordinary negligence of the soliciting agent.
(C) Any person engaged in the act of solicitation shall be at least 18 years of age and shall be wearing a high visibility vest, except a person of high school age may assist with solicitation if the charitable organization provides adult supervision and evidence of written parental consent. Any person engaged in the act of solicitation must be prepared to provide any police officer with the name and contact point of his or her agency supervisor who authorized said person to solicit funds on behalf of the agency. Failure to provide satisfactory accurate information will result in the immediate shut-down of that person's solicitations.
(D) Solicitations may occur only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and only two weekends per calendar year per charitable organization. A
WEEKEND is defined as any consecutive two days within any week of the calendar year.
(E) The Chief of Police shall designate and pre- approve intersections at which solicitations may be conducted. Solicitations shall not occur at an intersection where there is a signalized traffic control device.
(F) An application to solicit contributions from a road of municipal jurisdiction shall be made to the Police Department at least two months before the solicitation is planned to occur, but no earlier than January 2 of the year in which the solicitation will occur unless such solicitation will occur on or before February 28. The application shall be accompanied by evidence that the charitable organization is registered with the Attorney General and engaged in a statewide fundraising activity. A certificate of insurance in limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate shall be provided with the application naming the city as an additional insured. Preference for dates of solicitations shall be given in order of submission, i.e. "first come, first served."
(G) Every person who is convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
(Ord. 2008-5254, passed 5-6-2008) Penalty, see § 70.99