The following enumerated sections of ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, §§ 11-201 et seq., exclusive of any provisions thereof relating to the penalties or the punishment to be imposed for violation of sections, are adopted and by reference made a part of this code with the same force and effect as though set forth here verbatim; and the terms "this act" wherever used in any such section shall mean this title of the municipal code, whenever necessary to effectuate the meaning of the section:
11-201 Provisions refer to vehicles upon highways - exceptions
11-203 Obedience to police officers
11-204 Fleeing or attempting to elude a peace officer
11-205 Public officer and employees to obey Act - exceptions
11-206 Persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles
11-306 Traffic-control signal legend
11-307 Pedestrian-control signals
11-308 Lane-control signals
11-309 Flashing signals
11-310 Display of unauthorized signs, signals, or markings
11-311 Interference with official traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals
11-401 Motor vehicle accidents involving death or personal injuries
11-402 Motor vehicle accident involving damage to vehicle
11-403 Duty to give information and render aid
11-404 Duty upon damaging unattended vehicle or other property
11-407 Immediate notice of accident
11-501 Driving while under the influence of alcohol, other drugs, intoxicating compounds or any combination thereof
11-503 Reckless driving; aggravated reckless driving
11-506 Street racing; aggravated street racing
11-601 General speed restrictions
11-605 Special speed limit while passing schools
11-606 Minimum speed regulation
11-701 Drive on right side of roadway - exceptions
11-702 Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions
11-703 Overtaking a vehicle on the left
11-704 When overtaking on the right is permitted
11-705-706 Limitations on overtaking on the left
11-708 One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands
11-709 Driving on roadways laned for traffic
11-710 Following too closely
11-803 Starting parked vehicle
11-804 When signal required
11-805 Signal by hand or arm or signal device
11-806 Method of giving hand and arm signals
11-901 Vehicles approaching or entering intersection
11-902 Vehicle turning left
11-903 Vehicle entering stop crosswalk
11-904 Vehicles entering stop or yield intersection
11-906 Vehicle entering highway from private road or driveway
11-907 Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles
11-1001 Pedestrian obedience to traffic control devices and traffic regulations
11-1002 Pedestrians' right-of-way at crosswalks
11-1003 Crossing at other than crosswalks
11-1004 Pedestrian with disabilities; right-of-way
11-1005 Pedestrians to use right half of crosswalks
11-1006 Pedestrians soliciting rides or business
11-1007 Pedestrians walking on highways
11-1201 Obedience to signal indicating approach of train
11-1202 Certain vehicles must stop at all railroad grade crossings
11-1203 Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossing
11-1205 Emerging from alley, building, or private road or driveway
11-1301 Stopping, standing or parking outside of business or residence district
11-1302 Officers authorized to remove vehicles
11-1303 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited in specified places
11-1304 Additional parking regulations
11-1401 Unattended motor vehicle
11-1402 Limitations on backing
11-1403 Riding on motorcycles
11-1406 Obstruction to driver's view or driving mechanism
11-1407 Opening and closing vehicle doors
11-1408 Riding in house trailers
11-1410 Coasting prohibited
11-1411 Following fire apparatus prohibited
11-1412 Crossing fire hose
11-1413 Depositing material on highway prohibited
11-1414 Approaching, overtaking and passing school bus
11-1415 School buses stopping, loading and discharging passengers on one-way roadways on highways having 4 or more lanes
11-1416 Obstructing person in highways
11-1421 Conditions for operating ambulances and rescue vehicles
11-1507 Lamps and other equipment on bicycles
12-101 Scope and effect of equipment requirements
12-201 When lighted lamps are required
12-202 Clearance, identification and side marker lamps
12-204 Lamp or flag on projecting load
12-205 Lamps on other vehicles and equipment
12-207 Spot lamps and auxiliary driving lamps
12-210 Use of head lamps and auxiliary driving lamps
12-211 Number of driving lamps required or permitted
12-212 Special restrictions on lamps
12-301 Brakes
12-401 Restriction as to tire equipment
12-502 Mirrors
12-503 Windshields must be unobstructed and equipped with wipers
12-602 Mufflers, prevention of noise
15-102 Width of vehicles
15-103 Height of vehicles
15-105 Projecting loads on passenger vehicles
15-107 Length of vehicles
15-108 Planking edge of a pavement
15-109 Spilling loads on highways prohibited
15-111 Wheel and axle loads and gross weights
(Ord. 2008-5254, passed 5-6-2008)