The city maintains the following types of records:
   (A)   Minutes of the following Boards and Commissions:
      (1)   City Council.
      (2)   Community Planning Commission.
      (3)   Board of Fire and Police Commissioners.
      (4)   Board of Trustees Dodge Grove Cemetery.
      (5)   Electrical Commission.
      (6)   Firemen's Pension Board.
      (7)   Park Board.
      (8)   Police Pension Board.
      (9)   Water Board.
      (10)   Zoning Board of Appeals.
      (11)   Library Board.
   (B)   Personnel records, employees:
      (1)   Salary schedules.
      (2)   Time sheets.
   (C)   Financial records:
      (1)   City Budget.
      (2)   Annual appropriation ordinance.
      (3)   Tax levy ordinance.
      (4)   Annual audits.
      (5)   Bills.
      (6)   Revenue receipts.
      (7)   Vouchers (paid bills).
      (8)   Cancelled checks.
      (9)   Park Board.
      (10)   Sales tax receipts.
      (11)   Utility tax receipts.
      (12)   Real estate tax receipts.
      (13)   Permit fees.
      (14)   License receipts.
      (15)   Annual Treasurer's reports.
   (D)   Permits:
      (1)   Building.
      (2)   Electrical.
      (3)   Water.
      (4)   Sewer.
      (5)   Cut boulevard.
      (6)   Sign.
      (7)   Demolition.
      (8)   Fireworks.
      (9)   Environmental protection permits.
      (10)   Oil well permits.
      (11)   Going out-of-business.
   (E)   Council ordinances.
   (F)   Council resolutions.
   (G)   Correspondence received by municipality.
   (H)   Correspondence from municipality.
   (I)   Bidding specifications, bids, contracts.
   (J)   City maps.
   (K)   Deeds and abstracts; city property.
   (L)   Legal notices; certificates of publication.
   (M)   Fire pension records.
   (N)   Police pension records.
   (O)   Bonds:
      (1)   Public official bonds.
      (2)   Public liability bonds.
      (3)   Liquor license bonds.
      (4)   Plumber's bonds.
      (5)   Electrical contractor's bonds.
   (P)   Animal control records.
   (Q)   Police Department records:
      (1)   Arrest records.
      (2)   Traffic accident reports.
      (3)   Daily log record.
      (4)   Vehicle maintenance.
   (R)   Fire Department records:
      (1)   Fire reports.
      (2)   Fire pension records.
   (S)   Leases.
   (T)   Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund records.
   (U)   Election records.
   (V)   Industrial revenue bond projects.
   (W)   Motor fuel tax records.
   (X)   City insurance:
      (1)   Public liability.
      (2)   Auto.
      (3)   Worker's compensation.
      (4)   Hospitalization-employees.
   (Y)   Birth and death records:
      (1)   Sub-registrar reports.
      (2)   Burial permits.
      (3)   Disinterment-reinterment permits.
   (Z)   City license records:
      (1)   Auctioneer.
      (2)   Coin-operated.
      (3)   Jukebox.
      (4)   Handbill.
      (5)   Liquor.
      (6)   Billiard and pool.
      (7)   Bowling alley.
      (8)   Musical entertainment-dance hall.
      (9)   Taxicab.
      (10)   Transient vendor.
      (11)   Electrical.
      (12)   Trailer park.
      (13)   Junk yard.
      (14)   Pawnbroker.
      (15)   Hunting and fishing.
   (AA)   Cemetery deed books.
   (BB)   Water Department records:
      (1)   Water and sewer bills-customer records.
      (2)   Property abstracts and deeds.
      (3)   Maps; waterlines.
      (4)   Leases.
      (5)   EPA permits.
   (CC)   E.S.D.A. Department records.
      (1)   Federal funding records.
      (2)   Volunteer personnel records.
      (3)   Disaster plans.
      (4)   Safety program records.
      (5)   Volunteer training.
      (6)   ESDA response records.
      (7)   Toxic substances.
   (DD)   Dodge Grove Cemetery records:
      (1)   Maps; plat books.
      (2)   Interment records.
   (EE)   Library records:
      (1)   Annual reports (state).
      (2)   Circulation records.
      (3)   Library cards.
      (4)   Inventory records.
   (FF)   Street Department records:
      (1)   Work reports.
      (2)   Time book.
(Ord. 84-1498, passed 6-19-1984)