(A)   All subdivision plats shall be processed in three stages leading to approval for recording, except that in instances as specified by this chapter, certain stages may be waived or combined. The three stages are the sketch plan, the preliminary plat, and the final plat and engineering plans.
      (1)   Sketch plan.
         (a)   The sketch plan is a sketch proposal, complying with the provisions of §§ 154.040 through 154.043, submitted informally by the developer to the Plan Commission.
         (b)   The purposes of the sketch plan and the preapplication conference with the Plan Commission are to:
            1.   Develop cooperation and confidence;
            2.   Familiarize the developer with requirements;
            3.   Do away with major revisions of the preliminary plats;
            4.   Save the developer time and money; and
            5.   Provide assistance to small-scale subdividers.
      (2)   Preliminary plat.
         (a)   The preliminary plat is a drawing which shall be prepared subsequent to and in accordance with the agreements reached in the sketch plan conference. It shall be prepared in accordance with §§ 154.040 through 154.043 and all other applicable provisions of this chapter and other ordinances, and four copies shall be filed with the Director of Community Development, together with an application form in duplicate.
         (b)   The Plan Commission shall approve or disapprove the application for preliminary approval within 90 days from the date of the application or the filing by the applicant of the last item of required supporting data, whichever date is later, unless the time is extended by mutual consent. If the plat is disapproved, then within the 90 days the Plan Commission shall furnish to the applicant, in writing, a statement setting forth the reason for disapproval and specifying with particularity the aspects in which the proposed plat fails to conform to the ordinances, including the official map. If the plat is approved, the corporate authority shall accept or reject the plat within 30 days after its next regular stated meeting following the action of the Plan Commission. Preliminary approval shall not qualify a plat for recording.
         (c)   If the plat is approved, the Director of Community Development shall attach a certified copy of the order or resolution of approval to a copy of the plat. If the proposed plat is disapproved, the order or resolution shall state the reasons for the disapproval, specifying with particularity the aspects in which the proposed plat fails to conform to the official map. A copy of the order or resolution shall be filed in the office of the Director of Community Development.
      (3)   Final plat.
         (a)   The final plat is a record of the subdivision as surveyed in the field. It shows property lines and other dimensions important to the subdivider in selling lots, and to the public in keeping records of street lines, easements and utility locations.
         (b)   Application for approval of a final plat shall be made not later than one year after approval of a preliminary plat has been granted. This application must be supported by the drawings, specifications and bond as may be necessary to demonstrate compliance with all requirements of this chapter.
         (c)   The final plat shall be prepared in accordance with §§ 154.040 through 154.043 and all other applicable provisions of this chapter and other ordinances, and the original and three copies shall be filed with the Village Clerk, together with four copies of all required supporting materials and an application form in duplicate.
         (d)   It is intended that approval by the Plan Commission and the Board of Trustees be automatic if the final plat conforms closely to the approved preliminary plat and approved engineering plans. Disapproval is warranted, however, if:
            1.   There are more than minor deviations from the preliminary plat;
            2.   More than one year has elapsed since the approval of engineering plans; or
            3.   A new highway, pipeline or other major feature has been constructed or has directly affected the site by virtue of the improvement being included in the official map.
         (e)   When a person submitting a plat of subdivision or resubdivision for final approval has supplied all drawings, maps and other documents required by this chapter to be furnished in support thereof, and if all the material meets all the requirements, the Village Board shall approve the proposed plat within 60 days from the date of filing the last required document or other paper, or within 60 days from the date of filing application for final approval of the plat, whichever date is later. The applicant and the Board may mutually agree to extend the 60-day period.
         (f)   If the plat is approved, the Village Clerk shall attach a certified copy of the order or resolution of approval to a copy of the plat. If the proposed plat is disapproved, the order or resolution shall state the reasons for the disapproval, specifying with particularity the aspects in which the proposed plat fails to conform to the official map. A copy of the order or resolution shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk.
      (4)   Engineering plans.
         (a)   Engineering plans are drawings, specifications and construction cost estimates for all new construction of facilities in the development, and shall comply with the provisions of §§ 154.040 through 154.043.
         (b)   The engineering plans may be submitted at the same time as the preliminary plat or at any time up to and including the date of filing the final plat for village approval.
      (5)   Development in sections.
         (a)   The applicant may elect to have final approval of a geographic part of the plat that received preliminary approval, and may delay application for approval of other parts until a later day or dates beyond one year with the approval of the Village Board, provided all facilities required to serve the part for which final approval is sought have been provided. In such case only the part of the plat as has received final approval shall be recorded.
         (b)   In no case, except for the final section, shall any section filed for approval under this provision contain less than 50 residential lots.
   (B)   (1)   For the purposes of this chapter, a MINOR SUBDIVISION is defined as any subdivision containing not more than ten lots fronting on an existing, improved, public, minor street, not involving any new street or road or the extension of municipal facilities, not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property, and not conflicting with any provision or portion of the official plan, zoning code or this chapter.
      (2)   Final plats for minor subdivisions may be submitted without going through the preliminary plat stage.
(2000 Code, § 155.016) (Ord. 876, passed 8-4-1975; Ord. 1147, passed 6-7-1982)