The applicant, or any person or agency which received notice of the filing of the application, may appeal the decision of the Director of Community Development as provided in § 153.20(B), to the Village Plan Commission. Upon receipt of an appeal, the Village Plan Commission shall schedule and hold a public hearing after giving 15-days’ public notice thereof. The Village Plan Commission shall forward a written recommendation to the Village President and Village Board of Trustees within ten days of the hearing. The Village President and the Village Board of Trustees shall, within 30 days after receipt of the recommendation, review the decision on the appeal. Factors to be considered on review shall include, but need not be limited to: the effects of the proposed development activities on the surface water flow to tributary and downstream lands, any comprehensive watershed management plans, or the use of any retention facilities; possible saturation of fill and unsupported cuts by water, both natural and domestic; runoff surface waters that produce erosion and silting of drainageways; nature and type of soil or rock which when disturbed by the proposed development activities may create earth movement and produce slopes that cannot be landscaped; and excessive and unnecessary scarring of the natural landscape through grading or removal of vegetation.
(2000 Code, § 154.21) (Ord. 1141, passed 5-17-1982)