Bicycles and persons riding them shall be subject to the following requirements.
(A) No bicycle shall be ridden at any time in any place in such a manner as to be dangerous to any person or property.
(B) No person riding on any bicycle shall attach himself or herself or his or her bicycle in any manner to any moving vehicle.
(C) No bicycle shall carry more than one person for each permanent and regular seat attached thereto.
(D) No person riding a bicycle shall carry any package or article which prevents him or her from keeping at least one hand on the handlebar.
(E) Persons riding bicycles shall not ride other than single file except on paths or parts of any street, road or public way set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.
(2000 Code, § 73.46) (Ord. 817, passed 3-5-1973) Penalty, see § 73.999