There is hereby established a Golf Advisory Committee of the Legends of Massillon Golf Club which shall be composed of five members, who are not required to be members of the Golf Club, but who shall be residents of the City and appointed to three year terms, such terms to be staggered originally for periods of one, two and three years. The Committee shall be appointed by the Parks and Recreation Director. A member of the Recreation Board, the Legends of Massillon Golf Superintendent, or his/her designee and the Chair Person of the Massillon City Council Parks and Recreation Committee shall serve on the Committee but act without vote. Such Committee shall have no official status with the City, and Committee members shall not be entitled to any compensation from the City. The duties of the Committee shall be to regularly meet with the Legends of Massillon Golf Club members and golfing public to have an understanding of the concerns and recommendations of the members and the public regarding the operation and maintenance of the Legends of Massillon Golf Club. The Committee shall incorporate those concerns and recommendations into regular communications with the Legends of Massillon Golf Superintendent, the Parks and Recreation Director and the Parks and Recreation Board, with such communications to include the expertise of the Committee as it provides such recommendations.
(Ord. 73-2013. Passed 11-18-13.)