Sec. 86-34. Removal; notice; cost.
The city manager, or the authorized designee(s) of the city manager, shall notify personally, or by posting on the premises, the owner, agent or occupant of any of the lands described in Sec. 86-33 (above) on which prohibited grasses, weeds, vegetation or brush is found. Such notice shall contain a description of the prohibited condition and a summary of the provisions of this article. If the owner, agent or occupant of such land has failed within three business days after such notice is delivered or posted to cut, destroy or remove the prohibited condition, the city manager or designee(s) may enter upon such land and destroy by cutting with or without mechanical equipment and/or otherwise remove the prohibited weeds, grasses, brush or other vegetation. Express power to so enter such lands and perform such duties is hereby conferred upon the city manager and his/her designee(s). All expenses incurred in such destruction and/or removal shall be billed to and paid by the owner, agent or occupant of such lands.
(Ord. No. 206, 12-19-2016; Ord. 222, § 56, 12-3-2018)