Sec. 66-4. Estimates; plats; public examination, notice, objections.
Before ordering any public improvement or repairs, any part of the expense of which is to be defrayed by special assessment, the council shall cause an estimate of the expenses, and also plats, plans and diagrams when practicable of the work, and of the locality to be improved, together with a description of the proposed assessment district to be made, and deposit the estimate with the city clerk for public examination. They shall give notice of the estimate and of the proposed improvement or work, and of the district to be assessed, by publishing once in such newspaper; and proof of publication may be made as specified in Section 17.7 of the Charter. The date of publication shall be at least ten full days prior to the date set for hearing in such order and notice. Section 17.7 of the Charter is made a part of this section. In such notice the time and place when the council will meet and consider any objections shall be set forth. In addition to such notice, notice by mail shall be given as provided under Section 11.2(1) of the Charter.
(Ord. No. 37, § 4, 9-17-1951; Ord. No. 37-A-95, § 2, 12-18-1995)
Charter References: Mandatory notice, § 11.2(1).