Sec. 26-162. Exceptions to article provisions.
This article does not apply to:
   (1)   Toy plastic or paper caps containing not more than 0.25 grain of explosive content per cap, in packages labeled to indicate the maximum explosive content per cap.
   (2)   Toy pistols, toy cannons, toy canes, toy trick noisemakers and toy guns of a type in which paper caps as described in subsection (1) of this section are used and which are so constructed that the hand cannot come in contact with the cap when in place for the explosion and which are not designed to break apart or be separated so as to form a missile by the explosion.
   (3)   Flitter sparklers in paper tubes not exceeding one-eighth inch in diameter.
   (4)   Toy snakes not containing mercury, if packed in cardboard boxes with not more than 12 pieces per box for retail sale and if the manufacturer's name and the quantity contained in each box are printed on the box; and toy smoke devices.
   (5)   The use of fireworks by railroads, or other transportation agencies or law enforcement agencies for signal purposes of illumination.
   (6)   The use of agricultural or wildlife fireworks.
   (7)   The use of blank cartridges for any of the following:
      a.   A show or play.
      b.   Signal or ceremonial purposes in athletics or sports.
      c.   Use by military organizations, such as the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, or similar organizations to provide honored burials, celebrate patriotic events, or similar activities.
      d.   Use by law enforcement agencies.
      e.   Interstate wholesalers from using fireworks.
      f.   Wholesaler from using consumer fireworks or low impact fireworks.
(Ord. No. 103, § 2, 6-19-1978; Ord. No. 103-A-95, § 2, 12-18-1995; Ord. No. 190, 7-2-2012; Ord. No. 225, 2-18-2019)
State Law References: Similar provisions, MCL 750.243a(3).