Sec. 94-100. Fees and performance guarantee.
(a)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to allow for the establishment of fees and performance guarantees the city deems necessary to implement the provisions of this zoning chapter.
(b)   Fees.
   (1)   The city council shall, by resolution, establish and set fees for making application for building permits, site plan review, certificates of occupancy, zoning appeals, and sale of copies of the zoning chapter and official zoning map.
   (2)   The city council shall, by resolution, establish a fee schedule to cover the cost of inspections required for the implementation of this zoning chapter. Before considering any application submitted in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, the established fee shall be collected by the city.
(c)   Performance guarantee.  The city, as a condition of approval for any building permit, special use permit, or site plan, may require the provision of a financial guarantee of performance in the form of a cash deposit, certified check, irrevocable letter of credit, or surety bond acceptable to the city to insure the proper and timely implementation and installation of required improvements. The form, terms, and conditions of said performance guarantee shall be the same as prescribed under section 74-163.
(d)   Fees for professional analysis. The city council may require the applicant, upon the recommendation of the zoning official or the planning commission, to pay a fee to cover the costs of a professional planning or professional engineering analysis of an application for rezoning, a building permit, a special use permit, a planned unit development or a site plan review. Such action by the city council shall occur only if the action applied for is of a complex nature that is determined by the city council to be beyond the capability of the zoning official and/or the planning commission to formulate a decision on the merits of the application without professional assistance.
(Ord. No. 152, 5-1-2006; Ord. No. 157, 11-6-2006)