§ 155.40 GROUND SIGNS.
   (A)   No ground sign shall be at any point over ten feet above the ground level or street level, whichever is greater.
   (B)   Every ground sign shall be stoutly constructed and anchored in a secure and substantial manner.
   (C)   The ends of all such signs shall be at least six feet from any wall or fence or any obstruction, which would prevent a clear passage around.
   (D)   (1)   No ground sign shall exceed 50 square feet for each face.
      (2)   Not more than one ground sign shall be erected on any one lot or tract of land.
   (E)   No ground sign when erected on a lot fronting on intersecting streets shall be erected within 60 feet of the intersection of the streets.
   (F)   Ground signs, less than 36 square feet in size, shall be located so that no part of the sign projects beyond a five foot setback line from the street right-of-way.
   (G)   Any ground sign in excess of 36 square feet shall not extend beyond the established building line.
   (H)   (1)   In the case of a multiple occupant building, one ground sign shall be permitted depicting only the name or use of the building.
      (2)   No sign shall be permitted for an individual occupant of the building.
(Ord. 2002-09, passed 4-3-02; Am. Ord. 2018-40, passed 9-5-18) Penalty, see § 10.99