(A) (1) Every person who proposes to subdivide any land within the village’s subdivision jurisdiction shall comply with the procedural and substantive provisions of the subsections below.
(2) The requirements shall not be applicable to:
(a) Minor subdivisions, as defined in § 154.005;
(b) Land that is specifically exempted from the requirements by “An Act to Revise the Law in Relation to Plats,” ILCS Chapter 765, Act 205, §§ 1 et seq., as amended from time to time.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-2)
(B) (1) Every preliminary plat shall be prepared by a land surveyor registered in Illinois at any scale necessary for clarity provided the resultant drawing does not exceed 24 inches by 36 inches. One copy of the preliminary plat shall be submitted on an 11-inch by 17-inch format and one electronic copy shall be submitted. The preliminary plat, together with the supporting data, shall provide all of the following information:
(2) On the plat:
(a) Small key map showing the proposed subdivision in relation to section or U.S. Survey lines and to plated subdivisions and dedicated streets within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision and also showing the location of any municipal corporate limits situated within one mile of the subdivision;
(b) Name of the proposed subdivision;
(c) North arrow, graphic scale and date;
(d) Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider and registered land surveyor who prepared the plat;
(e) A statement to the effect that “this plat is not for record;”
(f) Locations and lengths of the boundaries of the tract to be subdivided;
(g) Zoning district classification(s) of proposed subdivision and adjoining land (if, more than one zoning district is involved, the dividing lines must be shown);
(h) Topography of the tract to be subdivided as indicated by two-foot contour data for land having slopes of 0% to 4%, five-foot contour data for land having slopes between 4% to 12% and ten- foot contour data for land having slopes of 12% or more;
(i) Locations, elevations and direction of flow of major watercourses, natural drainageways, ponding areas, railroads, bridges and parks;
(j) Locations and dimensions of all existing and proposed lots within the subdivision, with an identifying number and area in square feet for each lot;
(k) Locations and right-of-way widths of all existing and proposed streets, sidewalks and alleys;
(l) Locations, widths and purposes of all existing and proposed easements;
(m) Locations, sizes, grades and invert elevations of all existing sewers, water mains, drains, culverts and the like on the tract to be subdivided and on adjoining tracts if the facilities are to be used or extended;
(n) Identification and location of all proposed sanitary sewers and storm sewers within the subdivision and on adjoining tracts if said facilities are to be used or extended;
(o) In the case of subdivision wherein individual sewage disposal systems are proposed, locations of all percolation tests (for septic tank systems), statement of type of other individual treatment systems proposed;
(p) Locations and types of all other existing and proposed utilities;
(q) Locations and dimensions of all parcels (if any) to be reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public/semi-public purposes;
(r) Locations of all mined out areas, air shafts and shafts;
(s) Statement as to how all proposed easement, community and public use areas will be maintained; and
(t) Terms or text of proposed agreements, covenants, restrictions or proposed associations.
(3) Separate submission items:
(a) Documentation checklist;
(b) Verification of submittal to the Department of Conservation for endangered species consultation;
(c) Verification of submittal to the Madison County Soil and Water Conservation District office (P.O. Box 482, Edwardsville, IL, 62025);
(d) Verification of submittal to Madison County Building and Zoning Committee, where applicable;
(e) Verification of submittal to Illinois Department of Transportation District 8 Office for highway access components, where applicable;
(f) In the case of a resubdivision, a copy of the existing plat;
(g) Where individual sewage disposal systems are proposed, the results of soil percolation tests; and
(h) Pre-annexation agreement initiated, if applicable.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-2.1)
(C) The subdivider shall file eight copies of the preliminary plat and supporting information with the Village Clerk. The Village Clerk shall retain one copy in the Village Clerk’s file and forward one copy to each of the following:
(1) Planning Commission Chairman;
(2) Village Board of Trustees;
(3) Public Works Department;
(4) Administrator;
(5) Highway Commissioner of the township in which the proposed subdivision is located;
(6) Village Engineer; and
(7) Fire Department.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-2.2)
(D) (1) The subdivider shall check with the Administrator to determine whether the proposed subdivision is located within the zoning district stated in the submitted information and whether the subdivision complies with all applicable provisions of the Village Zoning Code.
(2) If the proposed subdivision cannot be built without a rezoning, special use permit or variance, the subdivider should either first secure necessary “zoning action” through the Village Board of Trustees or apply for same at the time he or she submits the preliminary plat.
(3) In the latter case, preliminary plat approval shall be conditional until the rezoning, special use permit or zoning variance has been granted.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-2.3)
(E) (1) The subdivider shall submit one copy of the preliminary plat and applicable fees to the County Soil and Water Conservation District, P.O. Box 482, Edwardsville, Illinois, 62025. The agencies may comment on the preliminary plat within 30 days after receiving it. Any comments either agency wishes the village to consider must be in writing and must be filed with the Administrator. If the written comments are not filed within 30 days, the Land Use Committee shall assume that the agencies have no objections to the proposed preliminary plat.
(2) For non-sewered subdivisions, the subdivider shall submit one copy of the preliminary plat and applicable fees, if any, to the Madison County Environmental Control Office, P.O. Box _____, Edwardsville, Illinois, 62025. The agency may comment on the preliminary plat within 30 days after receiving it. Any comments the agency wishes the village to consider must be in writing and must be filed with the Administrator. If written comments are not filed within 30 days, the Land Use Committee shall assume that the agency has no objection to the proposed preliminary plat.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-2.4)
(F) The Planning Commission shall either recommend approval or disapproval of the application for preliminary plat approval within 90 days from the date of said application or the filing of the last item of required supporting data, whichever date is later, unless the Planning Commission and the subdivider/developer mutually agree to extend this time limit. If the Planning Commission disapproves the preliminary plat, they shall furnish to the applicant and Village Board of Trustees within the 90-day period a written statement specifying the aspects in which the proposed plat fails to conform to this code and/or the official map. If the Planning Commission approved the preliminary plat, they shall promptly so inform the Board of Trustees.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-2.5)
(G) The Board of Trustees, by resolution, shall either accept or reject said plat within 60 days after their next regularly scheduled meeting following the Planning Commission’s action. If the Board of Trustees rejects the preliminary plat, their resolution shall specify the aspects in which the plat fails to comply with this code and/or the official map. The Village Clerk shall attach a certified copy of the Board’s resolution of approval or disapproval to the preliminary plat. One copy of the resolution and plat shall be retained by the Clerk, one copy shall be filed with the Administrator and one copy shall be given to the subdivider. Board approval shall not qualify a preliminary plat for recording.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-2.6)
(H) Preliminary plat approval shall confer upon the subdivider the following rights and privileges:
(1) The preliminary plat approval will remain effective for a period of one year. During this period, the subdivider may submit all of part(s) of the preliminary plat for final approval. In the event that the subdivision is being developed in stages, the applicant may, by written permission of the Board of Trustees, delay submission in accordance with § 154.103.
(2) The general terms and conditions under which the preliminary plat approval was granted will not be changed prior to or during the final plat review process.
(3) The subdivider may proceed with any detailed improvement plans for all required facilities.
(`92 Code, § 34-5-2.7) (Ord. 94-31, passed 12-7-94; Am. Ord. 96-09, passed 8-7-96; Am. Ord. 99-18, passed 5-19-99; Am. Ord. 2005-09, passed 3-16-05; Am. Ord. 2024-32, passed 5-1-24)