(A) General requirements. The applicant shall install wastewater facilities in a manner prescribed by the village construction standards and specifications. Necessary action shall be taken by the applicant to extend wastewater sewers for the purpose of providing sewer facilities to the subdivision.
(1) Every new subdivision and development within the village's jurisdiction shall be connected to and served by the public sanitary sewerage system unless otherwise approved by the Village Board of Trustees.
(2) All proposed sanitary sewer facilities shall comply with the regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and with all pertinent requirements of the subsections below. Sewage collection lines shall not be smaller than eight inches in diameter.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-14)
(a) The sewer collection systems shall be furnished and installed in accordance with details and specifications for the Village Public Works Department.
(b) All lift station materials, equipment types, and requirements shall be furnished and installed in accordance with details and specifications of the Village Public Works Department. The lift station equipment shall include emergency pumping capabilities to pump the design peak flow without electric commercial power by use of a separate pump powered by natural gas, or other approved fuel source.
(c) Larger size mains greater than eight inches may be required to be constructed to provide for capacity of other adjacent lands tributary area by the Public Works Department, Planning Commission or the Village Board. The village will pay no cost for sewer mains up to 15 inches in size. Should a sewer larger than 15 inches be required, the difference in material cost only will be paid for by the village.
(d) Improvements to downstream sewerage facilities including sewers and pump stations may be required to provide sufficient capacity to serve the increase in tributary flow of a proposed sanitary sewer extension as determined by the Village Public Works Department of Village Engineer. The Village Board may require the individual or developer to pay the cost of the downstream sewer system improvements to provide for the increased capacity.
(B) (1) Whenever the public sanitary sewer system is reasonably accessible, that is whenever the distance from any boundary of the subdivision to the nearest public sewer with available capacity does not exceed 1,000 feet, the subdivider shall extend the public system throughout the subdivision and provide each platted lot with a connection thereto at the lot line. The subdivider shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary easements for the sewer construction across property not owned by the subdivider and assign the easements to the village.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-14.1)
(2) The connection of the public sanitary system to serve the residential development to the existing public sanitary system shall be via an accessible manhole. The manhole may be an existing structure on the public system or it may be a set-over structure constructed on the existing public sewer main.
(3) At the connecting manhole structure, the subdivider shall provide a cured in place liner meeting the approval of the Village of Maryville Public Works Director. The cured in place liner shall be fabricated to match manhole dimensions and be comprised of multiple structural layers of fiberglass with non-porous membrane layer between fiberglass, or polyvinyl chloride/polyester (PVCP) liner with a fiberglass layer, bonded to the structure under pressure and heat.
(C) In areas where the public sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible, but where plans for the installation of the system have been approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the developer shall provide sanitary sewers in accordance with the plans and temporarily cap them.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-14.2)
(D) Except as provided in division (B) above, whenever the public sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible, the subdivider shall install a private central sewer system in conformity with all applicable provisions of the County On-Site Sewage Disposal Code and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency where applicable.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-14.3)
(E) (1) Individual sewage disposal systems shall be permitted only in the instances specified in the Zoning Code on lots greater in size than one acre and the County On-Site Sewage Disposal Code where a public sewer system is not available.
(2) All individual sewage disposal systems shall be designed and installed in conformity with all applicable provisions of the County On-Site Sewage Disposal Code and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-14.4) (Ord. 99-02, passed 1-20-99; Am. Ord. 2006-11, passed 4-5-06; Am. Ord. 2008- 03, passed 1-16-08; Am. Ord. 2008-56, passed 12-17-08; Am. Ord. 2024-32, passed 5-1-24) Penalty, see § 154.999