(A)   Street name and traffic control signs of the size, height, and type approved by Village Board and in conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition, shall be placed by the developer/subdivider at all intersections within or abutting any subdivision/development. A duplicate of each street name sign shall be furnished by the developer/subdivider to the village.
   (B)   Street names shall be sufficiently different in sound and spelling from other street names in the municipality so as to avoid confusion. The Village Clerk shall maintain a list of existing street names for reference. A street which is planned as a continuation of an existing street shall bear the same name.
   (C)   The Village Board may require decorative street name and traffic control signs, along with sign holders and posts, to be provided by the subdivider and/or developer at his or her expense along specific streets and in certain areas of the village. Decorative street name and traffic control signs required to be installed by the village shall be furnished and installed in accordance with details and specifications on file in the village Public Works Department. Decorative street name and traffic control signs may be provided by the subdivider at his or her expense at the subdividers option in the areas where decorative name and traffic control signs is not required by the village if the type and locations are approved by the Village Board.
(`92 Code, § 34-3-10) (Am. Ord. 2006-12, passed 4-5-06; Am. Ord. 2024-32, passed 5-1-24) Penalty, see § 154.999