The license of a massage therapy clinic or the license of a massage therapist may be revoked upon determination by the village that the clinic or therapist has violated or failed to abide by any of the following provisions:
   (A)   The holder is found to be guilty of fraud or deceit in his or her application for a massage therapy clinic or fraud or deceit in his or her application for a massage therapist license;
   (B)   The holder is engaged in the practice of massage as a license massage therapist under a false or assumed name, or is impersonating another massage therapist of a like or different name;
   (C)   The holder is found to be guilty of fraudulent, false, misleading or deceptive advertising or that he or she prescribes medicines, drugs or practices any other licensed profession without legal authority therefor;
   (D)   The holder pleads guilty to or is found guilty of a crime involving prostitution, solicitation or prostitution, or of sexual offenses, trafficking in controlled substances, after the issuance of a massage therapy clinic license or of a massage therapist license;
   (E)   The holder refused to cooperate with the village in the application, renewal or inspection process or refuses to allow the village permission to enter the premises for purpose of conducting an inspection;
   (F)   The holder is found to have violated § 115.08; and/or
   (G)   The holder is found to have violated § 115.09.
(`92 Code, § 7-7-12) (Ord. 00-08, passed 6-7-00)