Pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the following tap-on fees are established:
   (A)   Fees.
      (1)   Fee schedule.
Size of Meter
Inside Corporate Village Limits
Outside Corporate Village Limits
1"* +
2"* **
Larger than 2"* **
* Plus costs of non-village services and other related equipment.
** Plus costs of village-supplied 2"(or larger) meter, non-village services and other related equipment.
+ Effective May 1, 2024, there will be an annual increase of $125 for each fee until rescinded by the Village Board.
      (2)   (a)   Included costs. The water tap-on fee includes the costs of the necessary material, labor and equipment to install the service tap, service line (a distance of 50 linear feet), meter box and water meter for services up to and including one and one-half inches.
         (b)   Additional costs.
            1.   For meters larger than two inches in size, the water user requesting the water service installation shall pay the connection fee for meter sizes larger than two inches as stipulated in the above fee schedule, furnish and install all materials necessary to connect the water service including the tap, meter, and valve vault, and other items necessary to make the connection in accordance with the requirements of the village.
            2.   An existing water user who requests a meter size increase shall be charged for the new meter installation at the tap-on fee for the size meter requested as stipulated in the above fee schedule. No credits for the previous installed meter shall be granted.
            3.   Fire connections, when requested by a user, shall be an additional fee of $1,000 for the fire connection service.
            4.   Payment of charges. Such additional costs shall be assessed against new or additional users of the water system. These additional costs and water tap fee as set forth in Item (1) Fee Schedule shall be payable at the time of payment of the building permit fee.
   (B)   Illinois Plumbing Code. All water tap and service connections made to the mains of the Waterworks System of the village shall conform to the regulations of this chapter and of the Illinois Plumbing Code. All connections and installations shall be made by a licensed plumber.
   (C)   Maintenance of water lines. The village shall replace all water mains when it has been deemed necessary to do so in order to maintain service in the village. The village shall limit its responsibility to maintaining water lines to the water mains and not to the service lines. The property owner shall be responsible for the service line from the meter into the premises served.
   (D)   Physical location of water services.
      (1)   Any water service that is of the size of two inches or under may be located in a water meter pit within ten feet of the water main, curb line or edge of the street of the property that it is serving. The final meter location will be determined and approved by the Water Superintendent or his designee.
      (2)   Any water service that is over the size of two inches will be located in the building that it serves. The owner of the building will be responsible for all piping leading to and from the meter. The meter connection will meet the village requirements as seen in the below picture and in addition also have a backflow prevention device installed before the meter bypass piping. All meters shall be installed a maximum height of four feet above the room floor. Alterations may be made to this by the Water Superintendent or designee.
      (3)   Upon the installation of the water meter inside of a structure, the owner of the structure will grant access to village personnel to enter the structure for any reason having to do with a need to maintain the water meter in its state of service. The village personnel will make every attempt to only access the structure during business hours or after an arranged upon time with the structure’s owner / occupant.
      (4)   Illinois Plumbing Code. All water tap and service connections made to the mains of the Waterworks System of the Village shall conform to the regulations of this chapter and of the current Illinois Plumbing Code.
(`92 Code, § 38-4-10) (Ord. 96-29, passed 12-4-96; Am. Ord. 2002-03, passed 3-6-02; Am. Ord. 2003-25, passed 11-5-03; Am. Ord. 2007-05, passed 2-7-07; Am. Ord. 2008-54, passed 11-19-08; Am. Ord. 2010- 01, passed 2-3-10; Am. Ord. 2018-25, passed 6-20-18; Am. Ord. 2018-49, passed 10-3-18; Am. Ord. 2023-34, passed 6-21-23; Am. Ord. 2023-66, passed 12-6-23)